[私訳] Countdown 2024.02.27 の冒頭会話

Hitoshi Arakawa | 2024/03/12 Tue 04:07

イギリスのクイズ番組 ‘Countdown’ では毎回冒頭に司会の Colin と Rachel の小話がある。

2024/02/27 放送回の小話を訳してみた。

Colin: Hello, everybody. Welcome to Countdown this Tuesday.

コリン:こんにちは、みなさん。火曜日の Countdown へようこそ。

It is February the 27th and that is International Polar Bear Day. We love a chat about an animal.

2月 27 日は国際ホッキョクグマ・デーです。僕たちは動物の話をするのが好きでしたね。

A lot of bad news when it comes to polar bears, of course, but they are glorious, formidable animals, aren’t they, Rachel Riley?


Rachel: They are. I’ve been lucky enough to see any in the wild, but I saw one in captivity. Again, it did make me sad. I know some aquariums are fantastic and do amazing conservation work, but sometimes you just feel really bad for the animals.


Colin: Yeah. And today’s education is part of the hope. I talk to a lot of environmentalists on the radio and campaigners and that kid of thing.


“Where do you get this enthusiasm every time you come on?” And they say, “Well, you have to. You have to keep the hope that you’re gonna find that little miracle.”


The one fact about polar bears, of course, the old chestnut, isn’t it?


(注:an old chestnut で「陳腐な話」「聞き飽きた冗談」の意味。)

Rachel: They’re not white.


Colin: They’re not white, yeah.


Rachel: Your favourite fact.


Colin: (LAUGH) So they’ve got the black skin, the translucent fur, but, of course, it’s the light reflecting off that makes it look… Still blows my mind every time we say that.


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