[私訳] Countdown 2024.03.12 冒頭会話

Hitoshi Arakawa | 2024/04/14 Sun 04:30

イギリスのクイズ番組 ‘Countdown’ では毎回冒頭に司会の Colin と Rachel の小話がある。

2024/3/12 放送回の小話を訳してみた。

今回は辞書コーナーの Susie Dent とゲストの Rick Edwards も会話に加わっている。

Colin: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. We’re ready for another episode of Countdown, which would mean absolutely nothing if you weren’t watching along. So thank you very much for doing that, simple as that.


And making sure our number is up is Rachel Riley. Hi, Rach.


Rachel: Hi, Colin.


Colin: Now, listen, word games just are everything - love a puzzle, love a game. Every single day I play Countdown, either here or on my phone. I play Scrabble every day as well.


But the cryptic crossword has always passed me by. I just can’t get my head around it. What about you?


Rachel: I mean, I think there was like one that I found at some stage in one paper that was a nice one for me, cos I like the anagram bits of the ones where you have to find the words and move… And then the other clues that are just cryptic and you have to have knowledge to solve them, I’m absolutely with you. Can’t do it to save my life.


注:can’t do something to save one’s life 【略式】〜がまったくできない。 注2:二人が言っているのは、クロスワードパズルには単に文字を並べ替えるだけのもの(=アナグラム)と、知識が必要なヒントが与えられるもの(=暗号)の2種類があり、後者は難しいということ。

Colin: Our producer Damian, Countdown oracle, former champion, he has written a couple of cryptic Countdown-connected crossword clues.


Rick: I love it. Pen twitching.


Colin: Absolutely. I’m going to bring in our Guardian of the Dictionary, Susie Dent, and our special guest this week in Dictionary Corner, Rick Edwards.


So I’ll be honest with you, so I had to look at the answers, But Damian didn’t give me the answers originally, I couldn’t get any of them.


Rachel: OK.


Colin: Right. So good luck to all three of you. Just shout out if you know it.


So he said one of them is easy apparently and one of them is really difficult. So we’ll go with the ’easy’ one first. You can play along at home.


‘Must Colin be organised to feature in the newspaper’


Rachel: Columnist.


Colin: Yes, columnist. Brilliant. Well done. Yes.


Rachel: Listen, it was an anagram one.


Colin: OK. It’s one word, nine letters. So it’s a Conundrum basically.


‘The Countdown ladies and the car combine to make a TV team’


Devilishly difficult.


Rachel: So what, Rach, Suz and a car?


Susie: It’s car C-A-R and not Jimmy?

スージー:カーは C-A-R ですか、それともジミー・カーの C-A-R-R ですか?

参考:ジミー・カー(Jimmy Carr)は『カウントダウン』の派生番組の司会者。

Colin: C-A-R.

コリン:C-A-R です。

Susie: Yeah.


Colin: What I’m going to do… So I’m just going to let that hand. If anyone in the studio can get it between now and the closing titles, let me know. If not, I’ll reveal it. Devilishly hard. Countdown-connected cryptic crossword clue.


番組最後にスージーが正解を出した。producers が正解。レイチェル・ライリーの RR 、スージー・デントの SD、車の Coupe(クーペ)の文字を並び替えると producers になる。

CAN’T GET YOUR HEAD AROUND STH - Cambridge English Dictionary

Amazon.co.jp: リトル・アメリカ スクラブル・オリジナル Scrabble Original 日本語説明書付き 英語 ボードゲーム 正規品 4580263450676 : おもちゃ