[私訳] Countdown 2024.03.15 冒頭会話

Hitoshi Arakawa | 2024/04/15 Mon 04:29

イギリスのクイズ番組 ‘Countdown’ では毎回冒頭に司会の Colin と Rachel の小話がある。

2024/3/15 放送回の小話を訳してみた。

今回は辞書コーナーの Susie Dent とゲストの Rick Edwards も会話に加わっている。

Colin: Hello, everybody. Welcome to Countdown. We’ve made it to the end of another week.


It is 15th March and our last show before St Patrick’s Day. So, it is - well, we get St Paddy’s weekend. So we’re celebrating it today. And thank you, Rachel Riley, for making the effort.

今日3月 15 日が過ぎると週末は聖パトリックの祝日があります。ですから、きょうのうちにお祝いをしましょう。レイチェル・ライリーさん、お祝いをしてくれてありがとうございます。

注:Paddy は Patrick の略称。

Rachel: Just for you, Colin.


Colin: Yes, love it. I love it. Well, listen, let me brag, then, about some things that the Irish invented, we invented, that we never get credit for.


Rachel: OK.


Colin: But we should. All right. Chocolate milk. Hear me out. There was an Irish guy - true story - called Hans Sloane. And he was in Jamaica where they would mix coco with water, and he thought it was disgusting, so he changed it to milk. The rest is history! No need to thank us.


注:‘No need to thank us.’ は感謝されたときの返答。

Rachel: I mean, it’s not that high-tech on the list of achievements, but it is tasty. So I’ll give you that.


Colin: You got yourself out… I was really, really offended halfway through that sentence! You pulled it back. Thank you. Chocolate milk is ours.


Rick: Have you started low and you’re going to build up to good stuff or is that…?


Colin: That was the best one. What are you talking about?


Rick: Intersting. OK.


Colin: It’s sunny afternoon here in southern England, and you take in a game of croquet, because there’s nothing more English. Wrong! That was invented in Ireland. In fact, archbishops used to play it back in the day, the 1830s. Croquet is Irish.

コリン:天気のいい南イングランドでクリケットを鑑賞する。非常にイギリス的ですね。違います! クリケットはアイルランド人が始めました。1830 年代にカトリック大司教たちがやっていたのです。クリケットはアイルランド生まれです。

Let me throw in submarines, the modern tractor, the portable defibrillator, and flavoured crisps. Thank you, Joseph ‘Spud’ Murphy. True story. He invented flavoured crisps. There’s a whole list of stuff we invented.


Our Story - Tayto

Rachel: Oh, crisps! I mean, who doesn’t like crisps? Let’s all celebrate that over the weekend.

レイチェル:ポテトチップス! みんなポテトチップスが好きですよね。みんなでこの週末はお祝いをしましょう。

Colin: Hey, who doesn’t like Halloween? That’s ours. Hear me out. OK, so there was this festival called Samhain. It’s an Irish celebration. It was celebrated way back before Halloween by the Celts. And the name translates to darker half. And that festival would be all about scaring off the evil spirits, lighting bonfires and dressing up. Now, does that ring any bells?


注:dark-half 冬

Rachel: OK. Yeah.


Colin: And just to confirm, Susie Dent, I love when you… I was saying about Halloween and stuff. I was only about 90% sure that was true, but you were nodding your head.

コリン:スージー・デントさんにこのハロウィーンのことを確認したいのです。僕は 90% 本当だと思っていますが、あなたはうなずいてくれていますね。

Susie: I have absolutely heard that fact.


Colin: Love that.


Susie: Yeah, it’s a good one.


Colin: Well, double happy St Patrick’s Day to you.


ハロウィンとは?発祥の起源や意味、世界各地の過ごし方を紹介 | SKYWARD+ スカイワードプラス

ハロウィンの元祖「Samhain」と読めないアイルランドの名前たち - こかげ英会話《盛岡・滝沢・緑ヶ丘・雫石》

Amazon.co.jp: アイルランド・ケルト文化を学ぶ人のために : 風呂本 武敏, 風呂本 武敏: 本 https://amzn.to/3JfzZJd